World in chaos now. Even some territories become the worst place ever.
We have Pancasila dedicate to the world.
Pancasila may become the philosophy to unify the world and global peace unity.
Pancasila (pronounced [pantʃaˈsila]) is the official philosophical foundation of the Indonesian state.[1] Pancasila consists of two Old Javanese words (originally from Sanskrit): "pañca" meaning five, and "sīla" meaning principles. It comprises five principles held to be inseparable and interrelated:
1. Belief in the one and only God (in Indonesian, Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa).
" which means every Indonesian(global) citizen, no matter which religious denomination or faith they follow, should
respect each other’s belief for the sake of the harmony and peace of mankind. This Principle contains the precept of
religious tolerance and freedom of all to adhere to the religion or faith of his or her choice".
2. Justice and civilized humanity (in Indonesian, Kemanusiaan Yang Adil dan Beradab).
"Just and civilized humanity, " which is closely identified with balancing fundamental individual human rights and freedoms
with the individual’s obligation toward society and state. This Principle highlights the idea that relationships within
society and state be based on a just and civilized morality.
3. The unity of Indonesia (in Indonesian, Persatuan Indonesia).
4. Democracy guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of
deliberations among representatives (in Indonesian,Kerakyatan Yang Dipimpin oleh
Hikmat Kebijaksanaan, Dalam Permusyawaratan / Perwakilan).
"Democracy, " which within Pancasila connotes democracy in the formal sense and in the material sense as well. It is a democracy imbued with
belief in the One,Supreme God, with the morality of a just and civilized humanity and directed toward the goal of social justice for the entire
people. It is a democracy conceived in consonance with Indonesia’s own traditional and social values, which emphasize consensus and imply
not only political equality, but economic, social and cultural equality.
5. Social justice for all of the people of Indonesia (in Indonesian, Keadilan Sosial bagi seluruh Rakyat
"Social justice, " which contains the basic principle that in the common endeavor to attain a just and prosperous society,
materially as well as spiritually, any form of exploitation of human beings is prohibited. This Principle points to the
necessity to create conditions whereby all groups of Indonesians (global citizens)have an equal and just opportunity
to earn their livelihood and secure a life with human dignity.
1. One God for all humankind
2. Justice and civilized humanity
3. The unity of Global Citizen
4.Democracy guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberations among representatives (fair United Nation)
5. Social justice for all of the people in the world
Pancasila with the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
The phrase is Old Javanese translated as "Unity in Diversity"
It is a quotation from an Old Javanese poem Kakawin Sutasoma, written by Mpu Tantular during the reign of the Majapahit empire sometime in the 14th century, under the reign of King Rājasanagara, also known as Hayam Wuruk.
"Bhinnêka tunggal ika tan hana dharma mangrwa"
They are indeed different, but they are of the same kind, as there is no duality in Truth.
Pancasila symbolized by Garuda Bird as Indonesian National Icon.
The Garuda is a mythical bird.
We believe Garuda Pancasila fit to world philosophy and make world peace.