MAIN PROGRAMS (for Global Citizens)
1. Viral Video Experiment (VVE)
Film Expedition around Indonesia Archipelago to feel directly Pancasila Life.
2. Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
Direct discussion forum with the main topic : Pancasila belongs to the world citizen
3. World Cross Cultural Camp (WC3)
"Pancasila warriors" friendship sharing and moment in a world special camp.
A sharing moment about "Gotong Royong"collaboration Project in community based
and cross cultural Film production or another creative development team.
Camp location options : Bali Island , Thousand Islands Jakarta, Bandung Paris van Java
Email interest to : [email protected]
(att: Arvin I.Miracelova / Indah Miracelova)
Thank You
R.Arvin I.Miracelova
Program Founder